The ‘2023 Asia Digital Broadcasting Academy’, where representatives of media groups and top executives from 15 Asian countries gathered in Busan, a city specializing in film and video, to explore global survival strategies for the broadcasting and content industries, was held for the first time at BEXCO in Busan in November 2023.
This event was attended by leading Asian media conglomerates, including Clarissa Herliani, Executive Director of Media Nusantara Cintra (MNC), which has 19 media subsidiaries in Indonesia; Nini Binti Yusof, CEO of Media Prima, the largest media group in Malaysia; and Raymond Wong, Chairman of ATA, to discuss global networking strategies.
This event was held in Busan, a city specializing in video, as K-dramas have achieved successive global successes as global media platforms have rapidly transformed into intelligent digital environments such as OTT and AI. In the future, the Asia Producer Network (APDN), a program for exchange and cooperation among participants, will be operated periodically.